PinnedSurrendering to our mental illness; a mindful perspectiveWe are living in a time where our world is defined by mental health conditions, and our relationship to them. Anxiety, depression, panic…Sep 8, 20182Sep 8, 20182
PinnedWhat happened when I graduated from therapyEvery other week for the last five years I met with my therapist. Either in her office, or in my bathtub surrounded by pillows and blankets…Feb 16, 20233Feb 16, 20233
Mindfulness Within Capitalism: A Practice of Remembering In The Depths of DespairMindfulness is an anti-capitalist practice that seeks and serves to remind us that in the depths of our humanity, we are whole and enough…Apr 28, 2024Apr 28, 2024
How I Made it Through My Pandemic Divorce And Subsequently Became Friends With My Ex-WifeThe first thing I will admit is that it was an absolute shitshow. Divorce isn’t pretty and there’s no way around that. It was debilitating…Mar 19, 20231Mar 19, 20231
5 Signs That You Might Be DepressedI’m not a doctor or a scientist but depression has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I’ve spent years healing through…Mar 2, 20231Mar 2, 20231
My week in silence; The other side of meditationEverything I’ve ever heard about meditation has always focused on its ‘stress relieving’ properties. It’s ability to magically, somehow…Feb 13, 20191Feb 13, 20191
Meditation for people with no time to meditateMeditation and Mindfulness have become extreme ‘buzz words’ lately. People who never gave a second thought to these modalities are now…Sep 13, 20181Sep 13, 20181
When do we start noticing the benefits of Mindfulness?When I first started practicing mindfulness, I had no idea what this simple but profound practice would give me. It took me months to see…Aug 16, 20182Aug 16, 20182